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Can We Design Cities for Happiness?
Happiness itself is a commons to which everyone should have equal access. That's the view of Enrique Penalosa , who is not a starry-eyed idealist given to abstract theorizing. He's actually a politician, who served as mayor of Bogota, Colombia, for three years, and now travels the world spreading a message about how to improve quality-of-life for everyone living in today's cities. Penalosa's ideas... posted on Aug 24 2012, 20,941 reads


The 'Greener Grass on This Side' Farm
"Both were high-flying professionals in Silicon Valley (Ragu a marketing whiz, Nisha a hardcore software engineer). They had their son Aum and promptly sold everything off and moved to rural Tamil Nadu. They wanted to farm, but had no experience in it. They jumped in with the intention of living and being in a way better aligned with their inner voices, and learning what they needed along the way.... posted on Aug 23 2012, 25,443 reads


The Geography of Giving
Ever wonder how charitable the people are who live in your state or community? It turns out that lower-income people tend to donate a much bigger share of their discretionary incomes than wealthier people do. And rich people are more generous when they live among those who aren't so rich. That's according to a new study by the Chronicle of Philanthropy, which breaks charitable giving down by ZIP c... posted on Aug 22 2012, 5,796 reads


How Ignorance Fuels the Evolution of Knowledge
"In the fifth century BC, long before science as we know it existed, Socrates, the very first philosopher, famously observed, 'I know one thing, that I know nothing.' Some 21 centuries later, while inventing calculus in 1687, Sir Isaac Newton likely knew all there was to know in science at the time -- a time when it was possible for a single human brain to hold all of mankind's scientific knowledg... posted on Aug 21 2012, 18,165 reads


Two Quick Judo-Joy-Chops
"I was on my way to the post office. I hadn't found a parking place on my first pass up the street and was now making a left turn into a small parking lot in order to loop back towards the post office. It's a tight space and there's a mail box set up right inside the lot so people can pull in, roll down their window and reach out to stick a letter into the box without getting out of their cars." W... posted on Aug 20 2012, 4,269 reads


Love is the Answer
Filmmaker Ian Watt had an epiphany: today's creatively-oriented young generation could make great things happen by linking artistic talent with change-making movements. This film tells the story of the organization he started to help youth serve the world with art. But it also shows Ian's first experiment in change-making, as he used his filmmaking skills to help bring attention to K.I. Nepal, an ... posted on Aug 19 2012, 5,271 reads


The Spirit of Gift
A gift. It is a simple gesture of care. Like an open palm, it is an invitation to connect ... But can it be more than that? Can gifts restructure our monetary system? In a recent interview, teacher and writer Charles Eisenstein shared insights from his own journey with a gift-economy. His unique journey includes the raising of three kids, the writing of three books, going broke, facing his fears a... posted on Aug 18 2012, 17,863 reads


Global Warming: A Case for Inner Change
"Alarming data and warnings about climate change have been with us for twenty years. The issue has morphed into something like a low-level toothache. [...] If human nature is to evolve, a new set of assumptions would look something like the following: Human life isn't set apart from life on earth. We must live in balance with Nature. Consumerism isn't unlimited and doesn't lead to happiness. Toxic... posted on Aug 17 2012, 17,762 reads


The Man Who Planted A Forest
The year was 1979 in Assam, India. Floods had washed a great number of snakes onto a barren sandbar. When Jadav "Molai" Payeng -- then only 16 -- found them, they had all died. "The snakes died in the heat, without any tree cover. I sat down and wept over their lifeless forms." Then he dried his tears and asked forest officials if they could plant trees in that area. When they told him nothing wou... posted on Aug 16 2012, 79,030 reads


The Measure of Meaning: Visiting Wendell Berry
"One of my favorite moments was when Wendell said that he is a member of two organizations: 1) The Slow Communication Movement and 2) The Preservation of Tangibility. He noted that anyone can join these and added with a grin, 'Actually, I think I founded them.'" In this beguiling article, a young singer-songwriter, describes the pilgrimage she took with three friends and a baby to visit Wendell B... posted on Aug 15 2012, 14,463 reads


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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

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